Art that inspires,
from locations you love
The Whales, by Sebastiao Salgado

Artloca sells location artwork
inspired by earth's four corners

Join the growing community of galleries and artists selling
photography, maps, paintings and prints on Artloca

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Why sell with Artloca?

Reach a truly global network
Artloca connects your artworks with a global audience, targeting the buyers who share your affinity to the locations portrayed in your art.
No upfront costs or hidden costs
To create an account and list your work is free.
Our Charges
We take a flat 20% commission on successful sales only.
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I didn't realise how much of our inventory was location specific.
We love this concept.

Ben Burdett

Director, Atlas Gallery London

Relive memorable moments through art

Mark your monumental moments of life and
discover artworks of the locations special to you.

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